Monday, September 24, 2012

marianne zoo project proposal

who is involved: just me!

topic: elephants in zoos, and why there aren't any in the lincoln park zoo, and why it isn't a bad thing at all

integrative: i think so,  i'm sure it's not uncommon for people to be curious as to why there aren't any elephants that the zoo, as they are such a classic zoo animal, and this could really give people an interesting insight into the history of elephants in captivity and why they aren't at the zoo anymore

why is this topic good for general visitors?  what are your goals for the project if a visitor engages with it?: i think it's a good project because with high profile animals like elephants i think people often lose track of the posible downsides to captivity because they are so caught up in the magic of the animal, but it's important to remember that the zoo setting may not be beneficial for the elephant.  i would hope that if someone were to engage with my project they would come away with some new info and thoughts about animals, specifically elephants, in zoos.

media format: zine!

research for this particular media formant? why is it appropriate (given your skills, accessibility, etc.)  i would need to look at some more zines, i used to keep up with them quite regularly but i haven't looked at any as of late.  i enjoy illustration so i think a zine would be a good way for me to work on this project.

access venue: maybe around info stations where there are normally brochures.

references/info sources:  histories on elephants in captivity and news articles about the specific elephants at LPZ

possible title:  "where are the elephants hiding?
    why there are no elephants at the lincoln park zoo and why that's not necessarily a bad thing"

post class discussion project edits 

i'm still having a really hard time deciding exactly how i want to focus my zine. i'm thinking of possibly leaning towards either doing a zine that is only really focused towards an older group,  or a children's book focused towards ages 5-8 ish.  

i guess i'm leaning towards doing a zine geared towards the 20+ age group. but still not having it be over serious or preachy, just kind of putting facts out there about why its not so great to have elephants in the zoo.  the zine just seems like the more realistic option for me right now.  

1 comment:

  1. If you focus on a zine for adults you could write it in a why that those who are with children could at least translate the facts to them. I think that would be important considering just how many of the visitors are children (why for 20+ as opposed to 17+, what would be the difference?). Could there be one component or page made for kids especially?

    Then the question is what to include - obviously LPZ elephants and something about them, but will you also bring in conservation, the history of circuses, etc? Why or why not? Figure out which information is important to include and why given what you want to ideally achieve for the zine reader.
