My media assignment is going to be a crossword puzzle or series of them, that entice the zoo visitor to visit every exhibit of the Lincoln Park Zoo and read the information on each animal. By having the crossword puzzle provide information on the animals that the visitor needs to cross-reference with the plaques already in place at the zoo, and by leading them to the appropriate sections of the zoo where they can find specific answers I hope that this will provide the public with a supplementary form of entertainment at the zoo that also promotes interest in the foundation that the institution has already set.
I think I will make physical pamphlets for people to take at the zoo and also provide an online source for people to download these crosswords and print them out. I currently looking at which animals at the zoo and every exhibit I want to highlight in my puzzle that will bring zoo traffic, and how to construct these puzzles.
This looks good, although its not clear from this if you are going to be doing a children's crossword and an adult version? I also am wondering about the kinds of key terms and clues you will be using - the choice of them will make the difference in the crossword and plaque reading being "busy work" versus the experience really helping educate them about animals at the zoo/conservation/the history oft he zoo as an institution etc. Will there be additional text explaining the nature of the crossword for the user? Seems useful. If so, what will it say and why? develop these directions. Also make sure that the crossword itself is graphically high quality and well designed. How will you promote it to assure LPZ visitors might be aware of it and access it?