Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ariella, Chris, and Stephanie: Zoo Project Update!

(1) What are the TWO most interesting facts / bits of information you’ve come across so far in your research for the project (include an image for each one, please).

#1 It was a good experience at the zoo to watch children view the tigers as Berger spoke about in his Why Look at Animals. The tiger sat at the edge of his environment like mentioned in the text, while viewers looked at the tiger and the tiger displayed lethargic and disinterested behaviors, even when the children squealed with glee.

Bored at the zoo or just chilling??

#2 We also received an article from Andrew about an exotic pet owner intervention show on national geographic channel. It made us excited to be doing a PSA on something relevant in pop culture that is positive light on exotic animals/pets.

(2) What have you accomplished/completed so far in the in the project (background research, source material acquisition, a first draft, etc?) 

We have accomplished a lot as a group thus far. We have a lot of original photo and video (taken by chris) from the zoo of tigers as well as of Ariella performing her character. Stephanie has collected a lot of photography online of celebrities with exotic animal pets. As a group we have all done research on our three main ideas for the PSA:

1. Animals as a commodity
2. Exotic Pet ownership ----> Projection
3. Cuteness in the zoo. From the zoo to pop culture/our homes

In addition to research and image collecting, we have worked as a group on figuring out the scenes by storyboarding. We have worked on the script together by looking to PSAs of the past. Chris has helped a lot in the production and direction of the PSA, while Stephanie and Ariella are have supplied insight to the expression of ideas and thought via images and script. Chris is great at finding ways to express the ideas in ways that educate as well as entertain the audience. Stephanie is working on making sure all of the needed content is there to create a successful PSA, while Ariella is conducting research on the actual process of purchasing an exotic animal by paying close attention to the protocols (or lack of). Stephanie and Ariella will be acting in the PSA, Stephanie as narrator and Ariella as BREAK OUT STAR - playing Jane, the animal obsessed celebrity enthusiast.

(3) What are the components that you need to focus on and complete in the next week? 

We will be shooting this week after class. We hope to get all of it shot that afternoon, to leave plenty of time for editing and publishing on youtube. We also need to tag our PSA online on all of LPZ social media sources. Basically, we need to shoot and polish.

(4) What is a still unresolved part of your project that you would like feedback on? We would like to know any thoughts or criticisms you may have. 

As far as unresolved, it is important for our group to educate while we entertain - and finding a balance between the two is proving harder than we thought. We are still trying to create a script that supplies the viewer with ideas about exotic pet ownership and how/why we view them this way... while not boring the audience with facts and theory. Any thoughts to how you would be most receptive to the information would be helpful.

-sm -cy -as

1 comment:

  1. This all sounds pretty good. As for finding the balance between entertaining and informative, I think it'd be a good idea to check out the Animal Intervention show. While I have not seen it, they probably have to overcome that same obstacle to make sure people watch the show. This might seem ridiculous or childish, but if you stress how dangerous some of these animals can be thats a sure-fire hook for some viewers. Danger=excitement (for some sick people that aren't me or anyone I know personally) And since you have footage of the animals and pictures of celebrities with their exotic pets, you have two things that many people love to look at without knowing why, and while they're staring at all those beautiful people and animals, you hit them with a hard dose of knowledge.
