Monday, October 29, 2012

Observation 4

The thing that most intrigued me about the field museum's taxidermy displays were the artificial selection pigeons. They ranged so drastically in proportions in ways that would not be neutrally beneficial. Some were so bent backwards that flight seemed impossible. Others had plumage that was more aesthetic than functional. Most prominent was the incredibly small beaks which were overlapped by their heads' protrusions. 

This is a rather problematic position of which I have mixed feelings. Similarly, dogs have undergone the most extensive of this unnatural selection based on what humans find to be valuable. True, it has suited some, but often these animals have severe health issues. Dachshunds suffer back issues because of their elongated mid sections. Pugs often have breathing and respiratory problems because of their shortened noses. It might be interesting to contrast what artificial selection has chosen to be attractive and what natural selection has found to be obsolete such as whale and snake pelvises. 

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