Thursday, October 11, 2012

ZOO Fit Map

Hey Guys! I got my map done and would love to know if there is anything you think I should think about before moving 100% full steam ahead. The Color, Fonts, and Arrows will be also incorporated into the placards that will be at each exhibit. The map I used is just a scan of the Zoo's current map. Ideally I would like to have the best quality pixels, so I am going to send an email to someone at the zoo and see if I can get a hold of the original map file. It would be nice if I could move around some of their number placements so the path will be more smooth... I don't have a whole lot of graphic design experience, so Sam or anyone else who if fluent in this area, your opinion would mean a lot to me. I also decided on a name: ZOO Fit... I think it is simple, easy to remember, and gets the point across. 
-Tanner Bowman

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