Monday, October 29, 2012

KC Observation

I was really interested in the re-animation of the animals with the way they are positioned. There is a lot to work with on this subject, like how that affects the viewer’s experience, and their relationship to the animal. To a certain extent, the Field Museum is a valuable resource for learning about animals and being closer to them than one could be at a zoo, but at the same time it completely objectifies the animal and, for younger children, can become a game of “which animal do you like the best”. That is why a fun and educational audio tour would be fun for children, and adults, to keep people engaged with the exhibits rather than just speed walking by on their way to the McDonald’s. Also, the positions, and the attempt at capturing the animals in their natural habitat, is a little weird, but also effective in an uncomfortable way. I was especially intrigued by the wild dog exhibit. They looked extremely vicious and are snarling and chewing at giant ribs. The lighting is awful the room as a whole is dark.

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