Monday, October 8, 2012

elephant zine update - marianne

    interesting thing number one -
       in 2010 chicago was without elephants for the first time since 1889. brookfield zoo had elephants            since it opened in 1934, and lincoln park zoo started its elephant program in 1889.  brookfield zoo does plan on expanding their elephant enclosures and getting elephants again in the future, but there's no specific set date for when they are going to have elephants again.

this is ziggy, who was an elephant at brookfield zoo from the 1930s until 1975 when he passed away from complications from falling into the moat at the elephant exhibit.  ziggy had been kept inside for almost 30 years chained to a wall after attacking one of his zoo keepers, but  became a hugely popular elephant in chicago.  

ziggy escorting his zoo keeper out 

interesting thing number two - 
i read a lot about just how social elephants are, and how elaborate and complex their mourning processes are.  the entire family of elephants participates in the mourning process standing over the body of the elephant that died and carefully covering the body in dirt and branches/bushes.  they even come back years after and touch the bones with their trunks. 

(2) i've compiled a ton of research that should be more than enough for my zine, and a ton of images i'd like to use in the zine.  i just need to work out my wording and some of my page layouts.

(3) in the next week i need to work on the layouts and the physical construction of the zine

(4) i'd like to have  a couple children's pages at the end fo the zine but i'm not entirely sure what i would like to put on them .


  1. Hello Marianne!

    I think you should consider what format your zine will be in, and how you will distribute it. Is it given away for free, or sold? Is it in person, on the internet, or both? I like the idea of the zine being in the spot where the elephants used to be (I think by the African Journey house), but I'm fairly certain the zoo wouldn't be so into that.

    With my comics I find that things attract a lot of attention when they have really bright colors on the cover. If your cover is bright the pages don't have to be, they can be black and white and are much cheaper to print that way.

    I'm not sure what else to comment on because I don't see the facts that you plan to include. I think its a good idea to try and make the zine attractive to both kids and adults, if you can manage it.

    Best of luck!

  2. All of this sounds really interesting so far! I think you should keep in mind what vibe you're going for, as in, will it be humorous/serious/both? The subject matter you have right now is really cool, but is leaning toward serious. I like that, but you can still go a little lighter with it if you want to gear it toward children as well. I like the idea of having kids pages in the back, but depending on how you write it, it could work for any age. Writing about how social the elephants are is a good idea, that will definitely be interesting for everyone.
    I agree with Izzy about presentation. bright colors are always better. or at least bold design.
    Are you going to stylize the drawings or make it realistic? that could also have an effect on your range of audience.

    Good job so far!

  3. Dido on all yalls comments! I thick kaycee brings up a good point of intent. Is the zine punishing the zoo? The zine will have allot of political weight to it, considering elephant history. An other thing to focus on is the reutilization of the morning proses. I feel it is a good entry for humans to sympathize with elephants, not just feel anger for what has been done to then.
